Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New FIX Trailer

The FIXmobile is off to MARFA!

The FIXmobile is the second vehicle in the LAFCO fleet. The 1977 GMC eleganza served multiple purposes on the FIX shoot: hair, make-up, wardrobe, craft service, grip, electric, video village, editorial and transpo...Basically the whole film was made out of this super funky RV. We then painted it and put the FIX logo on the outside and we have been taking it from festival to festival, starting at our premier at SLAMDANCE. Tomorrow we leave for the Marfa Film Festival. We will make a short film on the way with some of the FIX cast and crew, including Black Moses and Lola Prosciutto Ruspoli, our English Bulldog.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Upcoming Screenings

Newport Beach Film Festival 2008

Two screening times:
7:45 PM
Friday, April 25th

@ Edwards Islands Cinema - Screen 6
999 Newport Center Dr
Newport Beach, California 92660

5:30 PM
Wednesday, April 30th

@ Edwards Islands Cinema - Screen 6
999 Newport Center Dr
Newport Beach, California 92660

Upcoming Screening

Riverside International Film Festival 2008

9:15 PM screening
Monday, April 14th
@ Regal Theaters, Riverside Plaza
3535 Central Ave
Riverside, CA 92506