FIX screens as part of the Brooklyn Film Festival Sunday June 8th at 6pm at the Brooklyn Lyceum.
I will be there and do a Q&A after the screening.
Tickets and other info at:
http://www.wbff.org/films/detail.asp?fid=854I arrive in NY Saturday at 7:45. Will you be around? If so, do get in touch whether or not you can make it to the film.
We got a great review in New York in conjunction with the screening:
"This is a life more vivid than any I've ever seen in this town.
It's a movie more vivid than almost any made in this town.
Dirty, sweet and magical, the movie swirls kaleidoscopically through urban terrain. It has the hallmarks of a music video — fast motion, jump cuts, dizzying angles — but isn't just vainly edgy. It's meant to be a guerrilla film-on-the-fly, latticed like the broken windshield of perception.
The movie has a sort of mantra — at least twice, characters offer the greeting "Each day's better than the next." Here is a two-faced piece of wisdom indeed. Does it mean life is getting ever-better, like it sounds, or ever-worse, like it says? Is "Fix" a movie about hope or catastrophe, the best of times or the worst of times?
That's for you to decide after seeing the movie. Catch it at the Brooklyn Film Festival, see it at another festival near you, beg your local arthouse to play it, do what you have to do, but see it. Because you just gotta." -Joshua Tanzer